Schools of Choice

The Collaborative Schools of Choice Program is a plan that offers parents and students a choice to attend other public schools in the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District outside their district of residence.

The number of choice Students enrolled is determined by the space available in the receiving district.  If application requests exceed space available, a random draw will be used.

Application Procedures

Please review the application procedures for the Schools of Choice Program:

  • The online application will open May 1 and must be completed by May 30.
  • Parents will be notified of acceptance by the choice district no later than July 1.
  • Parents will verify attendance in the choice district by Monday, July 7.

PDF DocumentMAISD Schools Of Choice Program Document

External Link2025-2026 School of Choice Application

Grades DK  & K

41 Openings

Grade 1

8 Openings

Grade 2

8 Openings

Grade 3

15 Openings

Grade 4

2 Openings

Grade 5

11 Openings

Grade 6

5 Openings

Grade 7

10 Openings

Grade 8

5 Openings

Grade 9

4 Openings

Grade 10

0 Openings

Grade 11

7 Openings

Grade 12

0 Openings

Student Expectations

Students at North Muskegon are expected to:

  1. Attend school on a regular basis.
  2. Follow rules and regulations in the approved discipline policy.
  3. Complete all homework assignments (45 min.-2 hr. per evening).
  4. Dress in accordance with the dress code.
  5. Strive to achieve expectations at the level of their ability.

Parent Expectations

Parents of North Muskegon are expected to:

  1. Attend parent-teacher conferences.
  2. Support their children by assisting with school work and participating in school related activities.
  3. Provide transportation to and from school on time.  The school will not provide transportation for non-district attendees.  Parents are expected to drop off and pick-up students.
    • Elementary: 7:55 am Start of Class, 3:10 pm Dismissal
    • Middle/High School: 8:10 am Start of Class, 3:10 Dismissal
  4. North Muskegon Elementary operates two unique Kindergarten programs, the Discovery Kindergarten and the Kindergarten. The district assesses all Kindergarten age students to determine which program would best suit a child's need and will make a recommendation for placement in either Discovery Kindergarten or Kindergarten to the child's parents based upon that assessment.  Applying for Kindergarten does not guarantee placement in the Kindergarten section.

Application Due Date

Families who have read and agree with these expectations and wish to apply, should complete one online form per child no later than May 30, 2025.

Please Note:

  • Failure to meet these agreements may result in ineligibility for either first time or continued schools of choice participation.
  • Enrollment may be denied to a student who has been suspended from, expelled from, truant from or asked to leave another school district.
  • Students entering grades 10-12, who transfer by choice from one school to another, will not be eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for one full semester under the MHSAA transfer policy.  (The date for this is Martin Luther King day in January).  Therefore, students would be ineligible for Fall and Winter sports.