Elementary Title I
Title I Parent Involvement Policy
The North Muskegon Public Schools will insure that parents of children being served in the Title One Program have an adequate opportunity to participate in the design and implementation of the Title One project.
Activities the North Muskegon Public Schools may consider in developing the policies required may include, but not limited to, the following:
- Notifying each child’s parents in a timely manner that the child has been selected to participate in the Title One program and the reasons for eligibility.
- Inviting parents to Parent/Teacher conferences for consultation with both the regular education teacher and the Title One teacher.
- Informing each child’s parents of the specific instructional objectives for each child.
- Reporting the progress of each child to his/her parents.
- Providing materials and suggestions to parents to help them promote the education of their child at home.
- Providing timely information concerning the Title One program including program plans and evaluations.
- Soliciting parents’ comments about the Title One program for their children.
- Consulting with parents about how the school can work with the parents to achieve the program’s objectives.
- Providing timely responses to parent recommendations.
- Facilitating volunteer participation by parents in school activities.
- Providing training opportunities for parents to assist in the education of their children at home.
Title 1 Parent Compact
As a Student, I agree to:
- Arrive on time ready to work.
- Give my best effort.
- Practice everyday.
- Feel free to ask questions.
As a Parent, I agree to:
- Provide a place for my child to work without distraction.
- Assist my child by being available for help and encouragement.
- Participate as a partner with the teacher.
- Attend all of the parent teacher conferences to meet with the regular education teacher and the Title 1 Teacher to discuss my child’s progress.
As a Teacher, I agree to:
- Provide a safe, comfortable, positive environment.
- Provide well organized, appropriate, and meaningful lessons.
- Provide materials and suggestions to parents to help promote the education of his/her child.
- Inform each parent as to the goals and objectives for his/her child, as well as, provide meaningful progress reports at each marking period.
- Maintain an open line of communication between home and school, encouraging comments and recommendations.
Student’s Signature _____________________________
Parent’s Signature ______________________________
Teacher’s Signature _____________________________
Date ________________________________________